Merth and the others are at Port Therin still. Farkin has gone off to work so they are going exploring. They have just met a fire eater named Agren and are going with him to the Grand Isle which is a row of the first buildings in Port Therin. Well I'll give you sort of a clue what about what I haven't written yet, I think Agren is going to join their fellowship, probably because the more I write about him, the more I like him. For those who haven't read my story Agren is dark skinned but more of a brown than black. Oh, I haven't mentioned this in my book but Aldorim(people from Aldor) are usually astroligers. But usually the ones who study the stars the most are in the north by the Ashen Mountains. Usually at a young age Aldorim are taught the basics, constelations, the stars, etc. Stars are usually their extent of school, besides learning to use weapons and usually Aldorim pick up their parents trade. Also their are many merchants especially in Port Therin because it is a port town.
5 years ago
3 visitors records:
Wow, your story and ideas rock! Seriously! keep it up!!
Wow I really like your background!It is so lovely!
thanks I like it too
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