My name is now Elmandir Amandil!
you can call me Isirian if you want I just think Isirian sounds too boyish
I think Elmandir sounds more like a girl name personally,
what do you think?
4 years ago
My name is now Elmandir Amandil!
you can call me Isirian if you want I just think Isirian sounds too boyish
I think Elmandir sounds more like a girl name personally,
what do you think?
Recorded by Emma Cox at 09:55
4 visitors records:
I think Isirian sounded more femenine, silly me =D
I have to have your email if you want to learn elvish.
Mine is
I blogged! Cool name!
Oh, well I will leave my banner as Isirian's records but change my signature. Earwen you can still call me Isirian, I think Isirian sounds more boyish cause he's a boy in my book. Thanks Eruanna
I think Isirian sounds more like a guy name, even though the other one does too. But don't take my advice...I'm not to good with the elven names.
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