What is your favorite male fictional character and what book is he in?
oh gosh, Aragorn from LOTR
What is your favorite female character and what book is she in?
Anne from Isle of Swords
Who is your favorite Author and what book do you like by him/her?
Tolkien, LOTR
If you are writing a book answer this question! Who is your favorite character in the book your writing?
Merth, Olaren, Rolet, and Agren
If you are not writing a book answer this question, what is your favorite character from a book someone else is writing?
Any other favorites?
Cat, Jules, and Red Eye from Isle of Swords(or Griffin Thorne)
Joraiem, and Algeron from Binding of the Blade
Gandalf, Frodo, Boromir, Faramir, Eowyn, etc from LOTR
Eragon and Roran from Inheratince series
etc etc etc
5 years ago
1 visitors records:
Great answers, my friend
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